Groomit Blog by category:

pet grooming near me

Three Easy Ways to Protect Your Pet From Fleas and Ticks

As we move into the warmer spring weather, there are plenty of opportunities for your family and pets to enjoy the great outdoors. However, with the sun comes the concern of fleas and ticks. Not only do these nasty parasites cause irritation and pain to your beloved pets, but they can also carry and transmit serious diseases. Therefore, it is a good idea that you help your pets avoid as many ...

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Improving dog's breath

How to Improve Your Dog’s Bad Breath

I love how affectionate my dog can be; he always wants to cuddle up close. However, there was just one small problem. His stinky breath! I decided to do some research and ask the vet what we could do to help him with his bad breath. We discovered many potential avenues on combating the smell, which I will share below for those who are currently finding themselves in the same situation! 1. ...

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pet grooming near me

8 Reasons Why You Should Groom Your Cat

During their daily adventures, cats can end up with all manner of dirt and grit clinging to their coat. Despite the fact that they try their best to keep themselves clean by performing their own grooming routines, it's not always enough. It's important to help keep them in a hygienic state by giving them a good groom yourself, or by using our in-home pet grooming service. Here are 8 reasons why you ...

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