Groomit Blog by category:

Pet obesity and health

Pet Obesity – How to Help Improve Their Health!

It's Wednesday again, which means that it is time for another #WiseWednesday post! Today, as it’s National Obesity Awareness Day, we thought we would look into the growing problem of pet obesity.54% of America’s cats and dogs are overweight and it’s a much bigger problem than many people realize. Obesity can lead to a multitude of health issues that can easily be prevented just by keeping your pet fit ...

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dog grooming near me

Pet Oral Hygiene – Dental Disease and How to Prevent It

This post is part of our #WiseWednesday campaign, in which we will focus on giving you the information and knowledge you need to better care for your pets. This week we will be focusing on pet oral hygiene!Dental disease is a huge concern within both dogs and cats. 80% of dogs by the age of three have some kind of dental issue, while 70% of cats at the same age suffer from similar problems.So ...

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pet grooming near me

Dogs in Fall: What You Need to Know!

Fall is fast approaching! The change of the season can bring plenty for your dogs to enjoy; comfortable and cool weather, along with plenty of piles of leaves to dive into!But it’s important to realize that are some problems that may occur within this season that you need to be careful of, for the sake of your pet’s health.In this article we’ll look into three of these potential issues and what you can do ...

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dog grooming near me

6 Hypoallergenic Breeds That Are Perfect for Allergy Sufferers

If you’re a person who absolutely adores dogs and cats, yet can’t go near one without sneezing and itching due to allergies, don’t fret!Hypoallergenic pets shed a minuscule amount, meaning that there is less exposure to the dander that is commonly the cause of an allergic reaction.Therefore, such breeds can be a much better choice of pet for allergy sufferers! In this article, we will take a quick look through ...

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Dealing with matted pet fur

Matted Pets: How to Deal With Minor and Severe Tangles

Matted pets can look really disheveled, but the poor state of their coat is more than just a simple issue with their appearance. Matting can cause real discomfort, and in some cases, can even pose a health risk.Therefore, it’s very important to remove mats when they appear. In this quick post, we will take you through the process of dematting, looking at both minor and severe matting. Dealing with Minor Tangles and ...

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Cat grooming near me

Cat Grooming in the Summer: Important Tips For a Happy Kitty!

We are right in the midst of summer now, and there are cats everywhere enjoying the warmth the season brings.However, with the hot weather comes some seasonal risks that proper grooming can help alleviate. Many cats require a helping hand to help ensure that they remain as comfortable and healthy as possible during the summer months!Here are some valuable tips on cat grooming in the summer!Trimming Their CoatsFor us ...

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dog grooming near me

How to Teach Your Pet to Love Grooming

As professional groomers, we understand how important frequent and thorough grooming is for pets. Brushing helps prevent matting and removes dead hair, trimming their nails can help prevent discomfort, and brushing of the teeth is super important for their dental health. Despite all the benefits grooming brings to our pets, they sure do like to make the process as difficult as possible sometimes!However, your grooming sessions don’t always have to end ...

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pet grooming near me

Happy Mother’s Day!

Mother’s Day is upon us! While you may be busy worrying about how to spoil your own mother, it’s important to consider that there may be another mother within your family that also deserves your attention! We are referring to the many mother dogs and cats that live within families across America. Sadly, they are usually forgotten during this time of year. We could all do better for our brave dogs ...

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pet grooming near me

8 Ways Warm Weather Can Impact Your Pet

As temperatures rise higher, it's important to realize what this means for our beloved pets. The passing of seasons transforms the outdoors, bringing more significant changes than you may think!Here are 8 quick-fire ways the hotter weather can have a big impact on your pet! 1. Heat Stroke It is of absolute importance that you understand the dangers of heat before taking your pet into warm weather, even if it doesn’t feel ...

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Organic and natural pet shampoo

3 Important Benefits of Organic and Natural Pet Shampoo

We at Groomit use organic pet shampoo and conditioner in all the services we offer. But what is so good about these natural products? Are they really much better in comparison to chemical-based options? The short answer is yes! Organically based shampoos and conditioners hold significant advantages; some of which you may not expect! In this article, we will take you through the three major benefits that come with using natural products ...

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