Dog shedding remedies

Top Home Remedies for Reducing Dog Shedding

Dogs are great companions all pet owners cannot regret having. They all make our days bright when we are dull. Yet, every pet owner can attest it’s not always fun having tumbleweeds of pet fur all over the house, especially during shedding months.
Although it’s impossible to stop your dog from shedding, it’s controllable. So, are you concerned about your dog’s shedding? Here are some top home remedies that will see the amount of fur flying all over the house reduced.
Before exploring these home remedies, why do dogs shed?

Why Dogs Shed

  • Seasonal changes- occur when the dog has to let off that winter coat that keeps it warm during the cold months. 
  • Allergies
  • Parasites
  • Lack of essential nutrients
  • Hormonal changes- occur when females dogs are pregnant or lactating
  • Stress

Home Remedies for Reducing Dog Shedding

Following these home remedies, keep your home free of excess dander and fur. Sometimes, you might have to combine these tips to have less pet hair on your carpet or couch.

A Healthy Diet Is Crucial

The diet you feed your furry friend can affect coat and skin health.

With that said, if you want to keep your dog’s coat and skin healthy, ensure it is feeding on the proper diet. The best diet is the one that mimics what dogs would eat a thousand years ago in the wild.

A biologically appropriate diet for your dog includes many animal proteins, fresh fruits, and vegetables.

With that said, consult a vet or canine nutritionist on the best diet to feed your shedding dog.

Fish Oil

Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids that can benefit your dog, who is shedding quite a lot.  These fatty acids benefit the coat by strengthening the dog’s hair follicles. Also, these fatty acids keep your dog’s coat moisturized.

Virgin Olive Oil and Coconut Oil

Besides fish oil, one can use olive oil and coconut oil to keep the dog’s coat and skin healthy. Always look for virgin olive oil or coconut oil as they contain fewer impurities.  Olive oil has omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids that will reduce hair loss on your dog by ensuring it’s well firm.

Coconut oil is rich in medium-chain triglycerides. These healthy fats improve coat and skin health. You can add coconut oil to your dog’s diet or apply it to the dog’s skin.

It would be best if you did not give your dog lots of coconut oil as it can lead to tummy problems. 

Hydration Is Vital
Always keep your dog hydrated by ensuring it accesses fresh water. Water supports vital body organs like the kidneys and liver. Still, frequent hydration supports the growth of healthy fur. Also, hydration will reduce itching and flakiness that might cause excess hair loss.

Brushing Your Dog

Brushing your dog will reduce the amount of hair landing on your clothes or couch. Moreover, brushing spreads natural coat oil that moisturizes your dog. The best brush you will have to use on your dog depends on their coat type. For example, a slicker brush is suitable for dogs with thicker coats. However, a fine bristled brush is best for short-coated dogs. At times, you might have to use a de-shedding tool. This tool will remove any dead hair or undercoat that might drop on the floor or couch. As a key highlight, don’t use a de-shedding tool frequently. You might remove that healthy undercoat on your dog if you overuse it.

Bathing Your Dog 

Bathing will remove any loose hair that might be a nuisance if it’s all over your house. Worth noting to remember to use the right shampoo that will keep your dog freshened up.

A good option is to use a de-shedding shampoo with oatmeal. If you are uncomfortable with a store-bought dog shampoo, you can make one at home.

  • Have one cup of ground and sieved oatmeal.
  • Mix this oatmeal with a quart of warm water.
  • Then stir everything till you get a uniform formulation.
  • Apply this oatmeal shampoo to your dog’s coat and let it rest for 5- 10 minutes. 
  • Afterward, rinse off your dog with warm water and dry them using a towel.

Oatmeal will keep your dog’s coat moisturized. Also, oatmeal helps soothe dry and itchy skin that could be triggering excess hair loss.

Lastly, avoid bathing your dog a lot. The reason is frequent bathing can eliminate the normal flora on the coat. If this normal flora is cleared, your dog might have dry and itchy skin.

Top Tips You Need To Know To Control Shedding

  1. Use a vacuum cleaner to clean your house. This vacuum cleaner will ensure your home is free of any dander and fur that might be a nuisance to clean if they accumulate. You can use a handheld vacuum cleaner as it is convenient to use in tight spaces or your car’s upholstery.
  2. Visit a vet. Consult a veterinarian if you suspect it’s a health condition triggering excess shedding. A vet will treat underlying health issues that might trigger excessive hair loss.
  3. Time to consult a professional groomer. Sometimes it can be frustrating dealing with dog shedding. You might need a professional dog groomer to help you with everything. If your schedule is tight and taking your dog to a groomer might seem complicated, seek the services of a mobile dog grooming salon near you. You can continue your duties while the mobile dog groomer grooms your dog. 

Final Thoughts

All pet owners know that dealing with a dog who cannot stop shedding can be tedious. If not careful, your furniture, kitchenware, or clothes might get covered with your dog’s fur. However, following these home remedies will be much easier to control how often you encounter pet hair in your house.


Choosing the right brush for your dog–

Fish oil for dogs–


Q: How can I reduce dog shedding at home?
To reduce dog shedding at home, you can try regular brushing with a suitable grooming tool to remove loose hair and prevent it from spreading. Additionally, providing a balanced diet with essential fatty acids can promote healthy skin and coat, minimizing excessive shedding.

Q: What are some natural remedies for reducing dog shedding?
Natural remedies for reducing dog shedding include adding omega-3 fatty acid supplements to your dog’s diet, which can improve coat health and reduce shedding. Regular baths with gentle, hypoallergenic shampoos can also help to keep the coat clean and minimize shedding.

Q: How often should I brush my dog to reduce shedding?
The frequency of brushing depends on the breed and coat type of your dog. Generally, it is recommended to brush your dog at least once a week. However, breeds with longer or thicker coats may require more frequent brushing, such as two to three times a week, to control shedding effectively.

Q: Can diet affect dog shedding?
Yes, diet can play a role in dog shedding. Providing a balanced diet that includes essential nutrients, such as omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins, can promote a healthy coat and reduce excessive shedding. Consult with your veterinarian to ensure your dog’s diet is appropriate for their specific needs.

Q: Are there any specific supplements that can help reduce dog shedding?
Yes, certain supplements can help reduce dog shedding. Omega-3 fatty acid supplements, such as fish oil or flaxseed oil, can improve coat health and reduce shedding. Always consult with your veterinarian before introducing any supplements to your dog’s diet to ensure proper dosage and suitability for your pet.

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