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How to Keep Your Pets Safe Whilst Enjoying Spring

As we begin to move into spring and leave those bitterly cold months behind us, we can start to see some warmer weather and all the yearly transformations that come with it.

Bright blue skies, beautiful blossoming flowers, and that fresh spring air all serve to fill us and our pets with a huge desire to get out there and enjoy it!

But whilst spring brings a lot of positive things with it, it also brings some new dangers and responsibilities, specifically to your pets. So here are a few things to keep in mind to ensure that your pets are safe and happy as possible while they frolic in the great spring outdoors!

Allergies, Fleas, and Ticks!

If you are one of those unfortunate people like myself who are immediately beset with allergies during the spring months, you can understand how much it can suck to not be able to truly enjoy the pleasant weather without sneezing all over the place!

However, allergies can go for our pets too! With spring comes a bunch of seasonal allergens, pollen being the big one. If your pet is constantly itching and/or grooming a lot more than usual during spring, it may be an allergy. See your vet for advice!

For more information on common allergens, symptoms they cause, and how to help an allergic pet, see our article here!

Another common cause of itching in pets during the spring months is fleas and ticks. With the warmer weather, they become more active, and your pet is sadly an easy target for them.

Ticks on dogs and cats can be particularly dangerous; they can carry disease, so it is imperative that you get them removed as soon as possible.

Luckily, we at Groomit offer flea and tick treatment for dogs and cats as an optional service in our grooming packages. Be sure to give us a shout if your pet is having trouble with them!

Seasonal Dangers

Spring brings to life a lot of natural beauty in the form of blossoming flowers, which can sometimes draw the attention of your pets! However, some of these flowers are deceptive; and may prove dangerous to a pet who chews or ingests them.

Common plants dangerous to dogs and cats include azaleas, daffodils, hyacinths, tulips, lilies, oleander, and foxglove. Check this link here for more common dangerous plants and what symptoms they may cause.

We would also recommend against playing fetch with your dog using sticks. As the British Veterinary Association points out, sticks can easily get impaled within a dog’s throat. This can cause serious injury.

It’s much safer to play fetch with a ball, or a Frisbee. Both can be bought for cheap and give your dog the same satisfaction!

Spring Pet Grooming

Finally, at this time of the year, most pets need grooming more than ever to stay comfortable and happy!

Running around in the warm weather leads to dirty and muddy paws that need to be regularly trimmed. Along with this, many pets begin to shed more once the warmer weather begins to come in, which means much more dead hair to deal with!

At Groomit, we can fix both of these problems in your pets and then more, taking the workload off of you. Not only that, but we perform all our work within your home, where your pets are most comfortable. No need to worry about transporting your dogs or cats to us!

If you are interested in having your pets look and feel absolutely fantastic for the spring at a reasonable price and with no effort on your end, schedule a professional pet grooming session with us now!


Ryan Jones

Ryan is a freelance writer for hire specializing in Pets and Animals. He works closely with various pet sites with the aim to educate people on everything there is to know about our cute furry companions. When he isn’t writing professionally he is usually keeping his cat Snow out of trouble!

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